Case Study
ACME Real Estate + Propy Offer Management

32 Agents
High Performing
1 Solution
for Offers
10 Hours
Saved per listing

ACME Real Estate
ACME Real Estate stands for innovation, but also REAL connection with their clients. Courtney J.E. Poulos, who has been a real estate matchmaker for nearly a decade is the owner of the brokerage.
ACME Real Estate has distinguished itself in a competitive market by delivering design-centric, ahead-of-the-curve marketing, consistency in results, and strategic synergizing of old-school ethics with new school technology–a hybrid approach that moves with precision through dynamic market conditions.
ACME Real Estate
ACME Real Estate stands for innovation, but also REAL connection with their clients. Courtney J.E. Poulos, who has been a real estate matchmaker for nearly a decade is the owner of the brokerage.
For every agent, offers are a large part of their daily routine. Sending and receiving multiple offers, going back and forth with the counters, while keeping in touch with your client, can be difficult and sometimes very time-consuming.
One of the biggest issues agents face is transparency with sellers and a lack of a better consumer interface.
Brokerages and agents will also look for easier ways to generate reports on the offers.
Another challenge that agents face is keeping all parties up to date with the offers in real-time. As well as ethical issues on the time offers are received and reviewed.

"Tech is essential for me and my business."
ACME’s owner, Courtney, knew she needed a better solution, especially for one of the hottest markets for real estate - Los Angeles
The Solution
Here are Courtney’s own words as to how she utilized Propy’s Offer Management solution to solve this issue.
“We had to make some changes to our processes and find a technical partner that understands our needs and has the ability to address them. Most of the platforms out there are looking at transaction and back-office task management, while the team at Propy envisions the bigger picture and addresses the entire process as a whole.
The first change that we had to make was the way we were receiving offers. With Propy’s solution, we were able to handle all of the incoming offers quickly and efficiently, while the share feature allowed us to loop our client in real-time, so she could see every offer as it came in, as well as the counters that we’d send, which were tracked in a neat and easy to view table.
As every offer came in with the cover letter from Propy, our client was able to see all of the offer details with ease.”
The Results
Time saved
10 hours on average saved per listing for each of ACME’s agents.
Easier offers
Easier time for agents to communicate offers to their clients.
Happy clients
More satisfied and happy clients that are kept in the loop.
More sales
Increased amount of sales due to client satisfaction and saved time.

Win more listings and generate more revenue for your brokerage
Propy Offer Management allows agents to take care of offers online while keeping sellers in the loop. No need for spreadsheets or other tools.