Over two million folks on the Internet signed up to “storm” Nevada’s Area 51, the supposed home of aliens that are hidden away from public view by the government. The interested parties include people with a variety of hobbies, such as gaming and anime.
Although the plan to storm the base seems foolish and the U.S. government has already reminded the nation that Area 51 is guarded, the Facebook event has generated a large amount of real estate hype in the area. Perhaps, owning a home near Area 51 and renting it out to tourists is not such a bad idea.
Buy a Home To Live Near Area 51
Take a look at an example of a piece of real estate located near Area 51. For $69,000, you can become the owner of a property that gives you certain bragging rights. The home is located in Alamo, Nevada, which has a population of just over 1,000. Not surprisingly, Alamo’s economy is centered around ranching and tourism. Each year, curious individuals come to the home of Area 51, hoping to see some UFOs and aliens. A number of media-propelled events through the years have caused waves of tourists to visit the local community. If you want to participate in the town’s real estate story, you can do it at a very affordable price.
Rent The Home Out to Area 51 Tourists
If you have no interest in spending your precious time in the desert region near Area 51, you can own the home and rent it to the tourists that come to Area 51. So many Area 51 visitors have descended upon Alamo in recent weeks that local property owners have no challenge finding guests.
Whatever happens in the latest chapter of this Area 51 saga, Propy can quickly and affordably process home sales in the Alamo area and elsewhere in the world. If you choose to buy your real estate property today, Propy’s Transaction Management Platform can help you complete your sale in record time.