Learning how to sell real estate, as well as having the feeling of running against time, are first-year attributes that you will face in the real estate industry. There are, however, a few key tips to keep in mind, as you embark on your career. Trish Collings is one real estate agent who worked on Wall Street for 22 years. Below are some tips from Trish Collings on how to sell real estate in your first year.
How to Sell Real Estate: Treat Your Work with the Discipline of a 9-To-5 Job
Even though you do not have to be glued to a desk from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Trish Collings suggests that you have a daily routine anyway. This is especially necessary during the first year, when you need to start selling real estate. According to Trish, you need to structure yourself and acquaint yourself with other agents to get an easy flow of info. You should not waste your time, and the quickest way to learn is by following the steps of agents who are pros.
How to Sell Real Estate: Carry a Business Owner Mindset from Day One
You automatically become your own boss, and you will also have to take on all roles in your business, when you start as a real estate agent. According to Trish Collings, you are now the CEO, CFO, and the Operations Manager. Even more, the entire board now consists of just you. Thus, you must be computer literate and knowledgeable about marketing. It sure sounds like a lot, but do not panic. There are many resources out there to help you polish your skills.
How to Sell Real Estate: Master Social Media to Introduce Yourself to the Community
Marketing in your first year might be restricted because of limited funds. However, Collings suggests grabbing the opportunities that the social media community provides. According to Collings, social media allows you to promote your brand at almost no cost. You do not need to be an online marketing expert, either. It all depends on effort.
How to Sell Real Estate: Lean on the Wisdom of Established Agents
While you are learning the fundamentals of how to sell real estate, never forget to ask for the advice of more experienced professionals. This can help aid your decision-making process. Even more, the senior agent can check your first transaction to check the findings and the documentation.
During your first year of selling real estate, you are learning many new things. Thus, make sure to double-check your work with senior professionals. Over time, your entrepreneurial mindset will help you grow your business!