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Follow This Advice to Double Your Profits in Real Estate

Follow this advice to double your profits in real estate

Earning a huge and steady profit in real estate requires more than just being good at what you do. Many businesses spend a huge sum every year on marketing, just to generate online traffic. However, it is not about how much money you put into the marketing but the value and content that you place there. After all, the end game is not to get traffic to come to your website but to get the traffic converted to potential business leads.

How to Boost Those Conversion Rates

Your problem might not be the generation of traffic; your problem might be the conversion of your traffic to business leads and clients. In this case, there is a way to boost your conversion rate. This method involves setting up a contact form.

The Contact Form

To convert these visitors into leads, you can use a contact form. The contact form can request information such as:

  • Name
  • Email/Phone
  • Address

Shorter contact forms are not so time-consuming. However, they will not give you enough information to prescreen the leads. If you want to prescreen the leads, you can ask questions. These might include questions such as how long the person owned the property, whether the property is listed, whether the property is vacant, and the number of bedrooms/bathrooms. Additionally, the form can ask about square footage, year built, whether the property has a garage and/or basement, and whether maintenance/repairs are needed.

The 2-Step Opt-in Form

This form is programmed to work in a way that after the visitors fill out the shorter contact form, the system automatically direct them to fill out a much more detailed and specific contact form. Only a potential client who shows interest in your service will go through this process. In this way, you can filter out those with more interest.

Setting up a 2-step contact form is easy and straightforward. Getting a contact form through WordPress is the first step. You can go to WordPress, select Contact Form 7, and get started.

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