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The World's 1st Blockchain-enabled Title & Escrow

May with Propy

May has been a busy month at Propy, lots of news and exciting new developments.

Title & Escrow

We launched the World’s First Blockchain-enabled Title & Escrow, progressively moving towards serving our clients a more seamless real estate transaction experience. Our clients can now take advantage of better closing on the blockchain. The Propy platform facilitates traditional and crypto closings as well as NFT sales.

In addition, we record the title on both the blockchain and with the county registrar. The Propy Title & Escrow is currently available for residential real estate transactions in Arizona, Colorado, and Florida, available in all US states in the next 24 months.

New team members

Our team is growing rapidly. In May Propy ​​welcomed Kelly Dolyniuk as its new Chief Operating Officer. Kelly previously worked in senior advisory and sales and strategy roles at companies like R7 Partners, LogicGate, and LinkedIn. Working closely with our founder and CEO, Natalia Karayaneva, Kelly will provide a high-level business strategy and operations structure as the company continues its efforts to transform the real estate industry through Web3 technologies. Interested in joining Propy Team?

Propy in the news

Our news and announcements made headlines in the leading press in the US and beyond, a sample media coverage read here: Yahoo! Finance, National Mortgage News, and Real Trends.

In summary, as our CEO Natalia Karayaneva said: “We had already built the next-generation closing platform in which smart contracts play the role of the escrow and title is recorded on the blockchain”.

What comes next?

As always we have something big coming but this time it will be a double surprise. We are preparing a new NFT property that will be sold via our Propy Marketplace. Keep a close eye on our social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, and be the first to learn.

Moreover, we have something exclusive in the works for all of the real estate agents and metaverse lovers as well: a Meta Agents Course that will give you all of the knowledge you need about owning and selling digital land.

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