Real estate is an industry that is all about trends. Common trends include a buyer’s market swinging to a seller’s market and real estate prices fluctuating up and down; the industry centers on the latest information. It should come as no surprise that this is also the case when it comes to real estate hiring. A candidate who is looking to land the next big job should be aware of trends. Per some of the industry’s biggest names, these are the hottest hiring trends for potential agents and managers.
The Latest Real Estate Technology
First of all, the industry is like many others. Technology is changing the game. From data management to marketing improvements, technology fundamentally affects every aspect of the business. Understandably, knowledge of the latest technological trends is crucial to brokers in 2019. Comfort, ease, and experience with various modern software and opportunities give potential job candidates a leg up on the competition.
Experience to Become a Real Estate Agent
What makes the industry amazing is that with the right drive and motivation, people of all backgrounds can become successful agents. In fact, brokers look for people with a wide range of experience. For example, people with military backgrounds tend to be suitable for the transition to real estate. Other suitable experiences include teaching, hospitality, and customer service. For a job seeker who is looking to get ahead in 2019, seeking connections from past experiences might also help.
Personality Fit Still Matters in 2019
The job of being an agent requires teamwork. While knowledge of technology is an advantage, personality fit is still crucial. Real estate evolves constantly, and every agent must learn to adapt. An eagerness to learn, a good attitude, and friendliness will all help a candidate mesh with new co-workers. A real estate job is never a solo act. Being a team player is essential.
Of course, there is no magic formula for getting a real estate job and becoming a successful real estate agent. As much as technology provides a leg up, personality fit might still be king. Additionally, the ability to work within a team will likely help a candidate earn a dream job.