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How to Make Your Listing Go Viral

How to Make Your Listing Go Viral

Sometimes, to be a great realtor, you must also be a great marketer. Marketing can turn a listing into a viral phenomenon, but a viral sensation does not just happen by accident. As always, luck tends to go to those who are the most prepared. However, even if you do not have a background in marketing, you can still excel. Follow these viral marketing tips, and your next listing will shine.


Search Engine Optimization can seem like a Gordian knot, but at the end of the day, it is pretty simple. Your potential customers are likely using Google to search for information. You will want to figure out the phrases that they are looking for (like “4 bedroom LA county”). Then, include these phrases in the written portion of your listings. This way, Google will see that you have content that is relevant to your customers’ search terms, and the search engine will deliver your content to the top of the results.


Of course, your listing should have pictures! However, having world-class images will make your listing stand out from the pack. Invest in professional photography services. Alternatively, buy a camera, learn Photoshop, and do it yourself. Whichever way you choose, know that high-quality photographs will make your listing look first-class.

Social Media

Every listing should be on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media platform that you use. Most followers breeze right past these posts, but the one time in one hundred when a follower sees what he or she is looking for, you earn yourself an instant lead. All it takes is to toss some photos up on Facebook.


By networking, you make yourself a known figure in your region, both professionally and personally. When people need to call an agent, your face and name spring to mind. Sometimes, you will directly get professional contacts or leads. More often, you will simply establish yourself as a man or woman about town. A good reputation will make your listings spread like wildfire.

Once you have a buyer, make sure to use Propy as your Transaction Platform. The excellent security, speed, and savings will help you further improve your reputation, making your future listings all the more popular.

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