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How to Market Yourself in the Real Estate Industry in 2019

How to Market Yourself in the Real Estate Industry in 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The real estate industry can be competitive. We witnessed the cases of companies and agencies that thrived for a few years, only to hit the rock bottom in consecutive years. Updating your marketing strategy on an annual basis is

Top 4 Rules of A Successful Real Estate Investor

Top 4 Rules of a Successful Real Estate Investor

Experience is the best teacher. The below rules are the top rules of a successful real estate investor. Over time, these rules have yielded results and testimonials. Set Investment Goals as a Real Estate Investor Real estate investments can get

How to Hire an Outstanding Real Estate Assistant in No Time

How to Hire an Outstanding Real Estate Assistant in No Time

The real estate profession can be fast-paced and highly demanding. Meeting schedules, calls, and other daily details can easily distract you from your big picture goals. Hence, you might feel the need to hire a real estate assistant. Hiring a

How to Begin a Real Estate Brokerage Quickly and Painlessly

After long years of experience, don’t you feel like you deserve to take the next step? Trying to make the switch between two challenging careers can be a lot to handle. However, this transition is definitely achievable, with the right

Corporate Real Estate Jobs: 3 Things You Didn’t Know

Corporate Real Estate Jobs: 3 Things You Didn’t Know

When most people think about becoming a real estate agent, their minds immediately jump to the classic image of a residential agent. However, that is not the only type of job in the field. Alternatively, agents can specialize in corporate

How to Earn More in Real Estate

There are plenty of adages and sayings about how happiness is the most essential thing in life. Unfortunately, happiness doesn’t pay the bills. Or, does it? According to a recent survey, job satisfaction is one of the most significant factors

Top 3 Most Profitable Niches in Real Estate

While real estate agents can make good salaries, there is no doubt that specializing in particular niches can be lucrative. However, not all niches lead to higher wages. For example, affordable housing agents tend to have lower salaries. If you