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Top 4 Most Stable Countries in the World

We all want stability in life, but what if you cannot control it? What if the country in which you live is fragile? If that is the case, then you will be happy to know that there are several stable

Top 5 Safest Cities in the World

Everyone has different tastes when it comes to buying a property, but one thing we can all agree on is safety. When searching for a new home, one should always take into consideration the crime rate, the health standards, and

Work-Life Balance and How to Leverage Technology

Sometimes, real estate agents can feel like they do not have a healthy work-life balance. Daytimes may be spent on prospecting or managing listings, showings may take place during the weekends, and evenings may be spent responding to client emails.

Best Coffee Cities in the United States

When buying a new property, some people favor traits like the school system, safety, and job availability. Others, however, may choose the city with the best cup of joe. If you fall into this latter group, then you are in

Top 3 Most Exciting Cities in the World

Through the international trend toward urbanization, an estimated 55% of the world’s population now lives in urban areas! Furthermore, while urban areas tend to develop active cultures, unique attractions, and rising property values, not all cities are equally successful. Here

Top 3 Extensive Hiking Trails in the World

Top 3 Extensive Hiking Trails in the World

Great hiking may not be the number one consideration that the average person makes when choosing a new home or city. However, for real outdoors enthusiasts, closeby access to glorious trails may be the single dominant factor in such a

Top 3 Safest Cities in the United States

Top 3 Safest Cities in the United States

America is vast and diverse, full of tiny towns and massive metropolises. Indeed, the safety of U.S. cities runs the gamut from near-utopias to murderous ruins. Propy continues to set its sights on new real estate opportunities in America’s most

Top 3 Places to Travel for Adventure

Top 3 Places to Travel for Adventure

Are you bored with your monotonous, repetitive lifestyle? Do you sit around dreaming of mountain climbing, tropical beaches, and exploring new, vibrant cultures? If so, then perhaps it is time for a unique experience. Control your destiny with a quick